I know that some of you had problems posting comments and Mom thinks she fixed it so I hope you will come back and try again.
We have lots of snow this year. You might think that would be a problem for a dog with short legs. Well, you'd be wrong. There's nothing I love more than going out after a fresh snow fall and plowing my way through the drifts. I high center once in a while which is embarrassing, but I just power through it. I have trails all over the place. Plus Mom is pretty good about keeping some of the paths shoveled. I do have to herd the snow shovel because, well just because it's what I do. This process involves lots of barking because, well just because.
Another great thing is that the voles and shrews have tunnels in the snow. It's fun to crash into the tunnels. The best tunnels are the ones the squirrels dig to hide food. Usually it's just icky old spruce cones but once in a while I hit pay dirt. Sometimes they get stuff out of the trash like perfectly good bones or something Mom calls garbage. I call it delish!
Last week I had to have a bath for some reason and then my nails trimmed. I don't know about you but I don't like being bathed. I'm very concerned about hygiene and I spend time every morning getting myself cleaned up. And this time of year, I have a lot of fur so getting wet takes a long time but getting dry takes even longer. What a bother and to no purpose that I can figure out. After my bath, I love to go outside and run around and then roll in the snow. That's what I was doing when Lee took this photo. It helps get the smell of the shampoo and cream rinse off.
Keep reading - next is a nice letter from Viggo. He's a Dachshund who divides his time between Nabesna and Anchorage. I know what it's like to have to be in the city when you are used to bush living so I'm glad he's found some things to have fun with.
See you all later!
Hi Pearl,
Lucky you. Getting to chase rabbits and squirrels. People who think dogs with short legs can't run fast are just silly.
I'm stuck here in Anchorage with only a small yard and a few little tiny birds to go bark at in the three trees I have. When it snows, there's only a narrow path to go and poop in. There's a horrid rottweiler next door, who thinks he's all tough because he has a big booming voice. He doesn't scare me though, I bark from the back porch (a couple feet from the door) and I don't know why the older woman laughs when I come back in. The fur on my back is all puffed up a whole quarter inch and everything.
The only other excitement I have is when an occasional UPS or mail carrier drops off a package. I used to run out the door and my people were trained to holler and come after me. It was great! For some reason, that's all changed. Now they just shut the door. I wait at the door to be let in. It's degrading to have to whine.
Chase some critters for me, and roll in something stinky if you get a chance. That's what I really miss about living in Nabesna.
I'd like to sniff your butt too.
Bored in Anchorage, Viggo
Hello friends, I'm kinda slow today cause Mom and Dad have given me antihistamine (OTC, Vet recommended) for my itching. Apparently it is a south Texas allergy thing 'cause I itched alot last winter too. Anywho, while you all are either playing in the snow or wishing for snow, I have been having a great winter doing tons of walking with my Mom. I've only been sleeping more these last couple of days with the medicine. You know I didn't care if I was scratcthing all the time, but my people got concerned about it. But all is good, I'm loved and get to go with my people almost all the time. I've got them pretty much trained to schedule me in!
ReplyDeleteGreetings to all - four legs or less!
Hi from your feline friends- Delta and Adagio. We are having fun here in OR except Delta meows all the way to camp Crater Lake and back. From the house in Grants Pass we have a great view of crows in the walnut tree, the neighbor dogs and cats and even Spring. We can see flowers blooming. miss you
ReplyDeletehi, this is wilma from "wilma's world" (littlewilma.blogspot.com).you look really cold. when we go to vermont in the winter, i can only stand in the snow for a few minutes....i give mom or dad a certain look and they know it's time to pick me up and carry me. my little hoofs can only take so much of the snow.
ReplyDeletemy mom grew up with corgie's that look just like you! it's nice to meet you. bye for now.
Dear Wilma,
ReplyDeleteI love your blog by the way. The beach has such great things to roll in. I got to go on vacation to Bandon, Oregon. There were great places to swim and even a dead fish. It just doesn't get any better than that! I tried to herd the gulls but they were very uncooperative.
My feet stay nice and warm because I have long fur growing between my toes. When I was younger I could stay out for a long time even when it was 30 below. Now I don't stay out so long. My mom has a fleece jacket she makes me wear sometimes. It's not too bad.
Thanks for writing. I have a new adventure to tell everyone about but Mom has to finish shoveling snow first.