It all started last week on Wednesday. I was really sore and just not feeling like myself. Mom gave me some aspirin and that helped a little. By Friday I was starting to get worse so Mom loaded up our stuff and drove me to town. Lee stayed home to deliver mail and take care of the chickens. My doctor, Dr. Hawn, told Mom not to give me any more aspirin because they would want me to take some different medicine.
I started having muscle spasms in my neck and it hurt just to walk. I had a splitting headache on top of everything. Thank God it didn't affect my appetite! Saturday morning Dr. Frost took a look at me. She felt really sorry for me. She said I needed a neck x-ray but she'd have to put me under to do it. I wasn't sure what that meant but since Mom had given me my breakfast the x-ray had to wait until Monday. Dr. Frost gave me a shot in the butt which really hurt bad and a bunch of pills. I don't remember a whole lot more until the next day. We stayed with our friends Dean and Mike. Mike is a Springer Spaniel I've told you about. Mike says I staggered and drooled. It would be embarrassing but he's done worse.
On Monday morning I was not in good shape. Poor Mom was sure upset. Back to the vet's office. By the way, I go to Ravenwood Vet Clinic in Eagle River, Alaska. Not that I recommend going to the vet but my doctors are the best. Mom had to leave me there. I found out what getting put under means! I had to have another shot but then I don't remember much again. I guess I have an inflamed cervical disc that is putting pressure on my spinal column. Whatever, I just know my neck hurts.
When I woke up back at Dean's house, I felt better. But I discovered that while I was incapacitated, Dr. Hawn trimmed my nails! Plus I have more pills to take. Now I'm on prednisone for 7 days. Taking pills isn't so bad. Mom puts cream cheese on the pills.
Finally on Wednesday, Dr. Hawn said I was doing well enough to come home. Whew. It was great getting out of the city. I did score a new halter gizmo out of the deal. It's a really pretty purple color. I miss my LiveStrong collar though.
I have to rest for two weeks. The squirrels are completely out of control and they are laughing at me. This is so humiliating! Oh well, what goes around comes around you rodents.
I hope that you are all very healthy. Once you get to be middle aged you have to start doing more to take care of yourself. Me and Mom are taking glucosamine and vitamins. Lee takes vitamins, too. I take salmon oil, too. Mom says no thanks. Fine, more for me. Oh yeah, and I have to keep my weight down so Mom and I are on diets, too.
Woof for now!
Hi Pearl, those disc injuries can be bad - I know cause my mom has bad discs in her lower back and last time she had to be in bed for way too many days - I cuddled her a lot though and that helped. You know you're gonna have to take er easy after you get better so you don't re-injure your neck.
ReplyDeleteMy mom started taking glucosomine in the chewable form, she can't swallow pills very well, hope they help with her back. I like my pills with tuna fish around them, but I don't need any pills so I guess I'm outta luck.
I've been catching a few lizards and trying to get some gophers, but those gophers go underground real deep and I can't reach them, but I am very patient, so one of these days - powee, zowie I'll pounce on them when they're not looking.
Next week we're having a realtor tour so we have to try and keep the house clean, we had one serious looker at the house, but he hasn't come back with his wife. I'll have to tell you all about how we moved last time, it was quite an adventure. I know my mom wants a place with less yard work and a better clay studio, hope she gets it before the summer heat comes along, it's really too much work for her.
Now that I know you like cats and I feel like we're friends, I want you to promise me not to chase those squirrels so much, I don't want you to hurt your neck any worse. Well I'm off to take a cat nap, it was cold out today and I wore myself out looking for tasty morsels to eat. your friend Binky, Purrrr
Hi Binky,
ReplyDeleteIt's good to hear from you. It helps keep my spirits up to hear from my friends. The squirrels are all laughing at me. Just wait - they are going to underestimate me and when I get well I am going to chase their asses all over this place! Sorry, it just makes me so made not to be able to do the things I want to.
My mom and Lee are making me take things really slow but to be honest I don't feel good enough to do much else. I get really tired. I only have three more prednisone left to take. Lee has taken those and he says they have always made him feel icky.
Do you eat the lizards you catch? I have seen lizards at my Grandma's house in Colorado. Keep after those gophers. We have arctic ground squirrels here. You have to sneak up on them when they are too far from their holes.
Mom says to tell your mom good luck on the realtor tour. Are you shedding? I'm just starting and Mom says she'd hate to be showing a house when my hair is coming out so fast. I always look forward to shedding. It feels so good to get rid of that extra fur. And much cooler, too.
I'll leave the chasing to you for a while longer.
Hi Pearl- so sorry to hear of your neck injury. We hope you feel better soon. If it makes you feel any better. I meowed in laughter when Adagio fell off the treadmill- he thinks he's so hot! Ha!
ReplyDeletecheers- Delta
Dear Delta,
ReplyDeleteThe only thing better than you laughing at Adagio for falling off the treadmill would be if he fell because you pushed him!
Thanks for your note. I'm better today and I think I could go chase a squirrel but Mom and Lee won't let me. I have to be on my leash every where. Sheesh!
Dear Pearl,
ReplyDeleteWe are so sorry to hear you have a disc problem. Mom is so mean to us...she has known for days and just told us. She said she was aftraid to ell us, knowing that we are corgis too, and something abotu our long spines..... all we knwo is that we feel really badly for you and want you to knwo how happy we are that you are feeling better. But we want o knwo how you hurt you neck int he first place. Your dad told our mom you r neck hurt, and she asked him what happened, but he's a dodo because he jjust said again your neck hurt but not how your hurt it.
We think it could be that hose thing you to, cuz we do that for our mom here too and hoses can be very dangerous opponents. We think it's because they are like snakes, which we have here, and they are now coming out of hibernation, but since we are city dogs we don't see them much. Only hoses. anyway, Aaarf. We hope you feel better. Love, Mashu and Chino.
Dear Pearl,
ReplyDeleteBoy, we are going to have to learn to type ourselves because mom has really fat fingers. (Lots of typos). You look pretty szoned out in your picture. Hope you get off the drugs oon cuz you dn't want to lose your edge on the squirrels. Your stomach looks really white--we got a bath on Sunday--yuck--but we are white now too. Shedding tho', and mom wants to Furminate us all the time. Do you get Furminted? It really takes the hair off but we don't like it much. Anyhow, Aaarf again. We love you. Mashu & Chino.
Hi Guys,
ReplyDeleteI don't really know what I did. It could have been the hose or jumping off the porch. But I am much better. I'm taking glucosamine now. Mom gives me my pills in cream cheese. MMMMMM. Lee doesn't like to talk about me feeling bad because it makes his eyes get watery and his nose turns red. I'm shedding too! I don't get furminated. Mom wants one. Should I talk her out of it? She has this shedding rake that I don't like. I don't like having my pantaloons brushed. That's private! I love shedding. It feels so good to get rid of that extra fur. OK Mom is trying to work and she says I can write more later.
Arf, Arf,
Hey Pearl, Binky here, glad you are doing better. I didn't know who else to tell, so I thought of you. I am real jealous of my brother, Butter. He got five photos on my mom's blog, five! He's a real show off sometimes. What does he think, that he's a movie star or something? I've been on the blog before but never got that many photos. What's a guy to do?
ReplyDeleteWe had two days of upper 90's here and now it's in the 70's, man it's exhausting, all the grooming I'm having to do. My mom thinks she has that new Mexican flu and now my dad has it. They're both coughing a lot. Then today we had a looker at our house, so they had to run around and clean up all their mess. They kicked us outside for a while, including our litter boxes.
Oh, I usually don't eat the lizards, just catch them, sometimes I get their tail, it drops off and they run away, it's fun though. Their skin is tough, but their blood isn't so bad. Still haven't gotten any gophers, but my brother Butter got a small one and he ate the whole thing, ugh, head and all. I sniffed it, but it was real furry, maybe next time I'll give it a taste. My sister Betty is the real hunter; she hunts all day long. Me and Butter mostly lounge on the vine covered patios or on the studio porch. This place is a real paradise for cats. Speaking of which, some neighborhood cats have been coming over here invading our territory. My mom keeps chasing them off, but the hunting is good here so they keep coming back. My mom doesn't want them here cause if we all get in a cat fight, we might get an abscess and vet bills are too costly. My mom is now thinking of trapping them, cause they are real skinny and even if they have a home, someone isn't taking care of them good enough. Plus they might have some cat disease we might get. It's a real scary world nowadays. Butter and I gave up our family jewels a long time ago and Betty had an operation too, so we don't add to the population explosion. We still dream about cattin around though.
Thanks for listening to an old codger like me, till next time. Remember, you're not a spring chicken, take er easy. If you do go out, try to think like a cat, just lounge around and pretend like you're asleep and let the squirrels get real close, then you don't have to run very far and can conserve energy for the next squirrel. Your friend Binky, purrr..
Hi Pearl,
ReplyDeleteWe haven't met yet, but I know Chino and Machu. And that smash-face Rowdy, too! (Tee-hee!) Hope your neck is feeling better and you better be careful from now on--if my mom isn't careful all the time she gets her back to going. And the weather can set her off too!
Well, Mom and I have some exciting news--we're pregnant again! And I say "we" cuz that's the politically correct thing to say now days! Even tho' I'M the one who's got to carry the brats, go through labor, and feed them for 2 months, Mom will have to watch me, be sure I eat right, hold my paw when I start into labor, make sure I don't eat too much afterbirth (YUK! I don't really like that, but it's my instinct!), make sure I feed the puppies, keep our bed clean, and find the little suckers homes when they're big enough! So that's why Mom gets to say "we're" pregnant, too. This time my mate is a real looker! He's a black tri mini Aussie, same as me. Except I'm technically a merle. I had red merle's before out of a black tri, but we don't know if they were from me or the dad. Mom wants me to have some red puppies, so we'll see.
Ya know, it occurred to me that if you just KILLED the hose, you wouldn't have to battle it all the time! But then again, guess you wouldn't have water to drink, bath in, and cook with, huh? Maybe you could just paw it gently to keep it in line!
More later,
hi pearl. this is your pal wilma. might i recommend massage as a way to relieve this pain? my mom give me massages ALL the time. it makes me purrrrrrr like a little kitten ! i hope you feel better soon.